Prejudice and Bias Introduction

The module, Prejudice and Bias Introduction, was informative in a myriad of ways and exposed the reader to real world happenings. Referencing hatred, bigotry, and deep-seated stereotypes that are ingrained in society. Module 3 explored these feelings in relation to the LGBTQ+ community more than other issues, and honed in on the disconnect they feel from a society which neglects them. After viewing The Laramie Project , and reading various articles, I wanted to express my feelings on the topic of members of the LBTQ+ community who make a pass or act flirtatiously to those who identify as straight. The film The Laramie Project , explains and develops the story of Matthew Shepherd, a young man from Laramie Wyoming who was murdered by Russel Henderson and Arron McKinney. The two young men saw Matthew at the bar, lured him into their car and were initially going to rob him at the time. However, allegedly Matthew placed his hand on on...