

As the semester comes to a close, I enjoyed making this video and being able to express my views on the class. My vlog discusses the many topics we discussed and specifically the ones that resonated with me the most. These includes the units we did on poverty, home and school connection, bullying, and violence. The future secondary educator within me felt that these were topics that aligned with the older children, although still being relevant to elementary students. Down below is my vlog which goes into depth about everything I have mentioned so far.  Reflection video

Home/School Connection Introduction

    This weeks blog on the home and school interaction is an informative and influential post. As educators we are not only responsible for educating the students academically, but to be future full functioning adults when they leave our school. Hence, why it is important for us to have a connection their lives outside of the classroom, such as their parents and home life. If we develop these connections and have a method of communication, we are better able to help the student in all areas. This relationship mimics a triangle- the student and teacher have a relationship- the parents and teacher have a relationship- and the parent, student, and teacher all have a unified relationship.          The first corner of the triangular relationship is the student teacher interaction. As of late, it has been heard how  "...teachers talk about how helpless they feel when it comes to reaching out to their students" and how they want "The days of b...

Social Media/ Texting/ Sexting Introduction

     If the generations born from 2000 and on had to be defined with one concept, it would be the concept of social media. These generations are embodied and consumed by technology. This is why these generations have doubled the numbers for suicide rates, psychiatric diagnoses, and many other negative factors. However, in regards to schooling, technology can be helpful by allowing for more flexible practices and interaction, but it comes with a price: student mental health. As a society, as educators, as parents, as whatever role we play, we have to ask to what price or extent are we willing to let social media control us. There is no amount of money, or valuables that should be worth more than one's mental health.       The documentary,  Plugged-In: The Toxicity of Social Media   Revealed , emphasizes the hidden toxicity of social media and the platforms it has created and promoted, and how harmful it is. Society has been on a gradual declin...

Addictions/ Use

       This week's blog topic was interesting because this conversation is vital to America's youth. Young students today deem vaping to be cool, trendy, and easily accessible. The youtube video shows kids interviewing and speaking about how they are easy to take with you anywhere, and how they can be hid in your shoe, sock, backpack, pocket, or anything really. Children can be stealthy with these tragic and turmoil devices. It is truly saddening to even put children and vaping within the same sentence, but it is true, children are the main targets are these cancer sticks.       The video we watched, "Vaping in Schools: 'Juuling' Is Popular Among Teens Despite Health Risks" highlighted many of the problems with America's youth. America's youth deems vaping to be a new fab or fashion, when in reality it is just a way to possibly shorten or hinder their adult lives. There is no stereotype for people who vape or juul, they are athletes, honors studen...

Social/ Emotional Mindfulness

                                                       This week's module, Social and Emotional Mindfulness, explored the concept of how to control one's emotions and alleviate student stress. It has been seen that "An increasing number of today's students face challenges that affect their ability to focus attention, regulate difficult emotions, build inner resilience, and form healthy and supportive relationships'' (Why Is Mindfulness Needed in Education?) These concentrations can directly affect a student's studies because if their emotions are unbalanced, they will struggle to retain information. The module gave us primary sources through the viewing of the video, and reading various articles which all promote the importance of mindfulness and the benefits it brings forward.     The film Room to Breathe was interesting an...

Poverty/ Homelessness

         This week's discussion talked about poverty and homelessness in America's youth, especially students. Poverty in America is not something new, rather it is an aspect of America's society that has been a concerning component since its beginnings. Since the early days of America, especially after the creation of cities, we have seen an overpopulation of people living on the street, with no place to go. Since then, this problem has only amplified, especially with America's youth. It is our job "... As a nation, [that] we must do everything we can to ensure that all students — including students experiencing homelessness and housing insecurity — are able to access an excellent education that opens doors to opportunity and thriving lives,” ( Cai, 2021.) After reading various articles, and watching the documentary The homestretch it can be seen that there are an overwhelming number of children enrolled in public school, but why? One answer is lack of pro...

Mental Health

     The mental health of students is a growing concern, as the silent epidemic of mental health is becoming more and more prominent. There are more than 50 million public school students int he United States, and 1 in 5 students suffer from a mental health disorder and it is noted that "Kids who suffer from mental health disorders... inevitably miss out on opportunities for learning and building relationships" (Nadworny, 2016). The overwhelming amount of students who suffer from mental illness is a serious concept that schools need to be able to tackle, and is why teachers around the world need to be informed on the signs and symptoms of mental illness. Schools should implement that teachers are required to have some sort of psychology background or degree, and have them attend professional workshops on mental illness. I learned from the module about psychosis and the signs and symptoms to look out for in my students. Some signs may include but are not limited to th...