Mental Health

    The mental health of students is a growing concern, as the silent epidemic of mental health is becoming more and more prominent. There are more than 50 million public school students int he United States, and 1 in 5 students suffer from a mental health disorder and it is noted that "Kids who suffer from mental health disorders... inevitably miss out on opportunities for learning and building relationships" (Nadworny, 2016). The overwhelming amount of students who suffer from mental illness is a serious concept that schools need to be able to tackle, and is why teachers around the world need to be informed on the signs and symptoms of mental illness. Schools should implement that teachers are required to have some sort of psychology background or degree, and have them attend professional workshops on mental illness. I learned from the module about psychosis and the signs and symptoms to look out for in my students. Some signs may include but are not limited to the student presenting an inability to concentrate due to disruptive thoughts, hallucinations, and delusion. In order to understand how I would approach a student who is presenting these symptoms, I referred to an article Supporting Students Experiencing Early Psychosis in Middle School and High School. The article helped me understand ways I could effectively manage assignments and general classroom interaction in a manner that will aid my student who is suffering and make them feel comfortable. Such strategies include allowing them to complete assignments in alternative environments and assigning them work that is opposite of the rest of the class. Although I am obtaining a minor in psychology, not all educators have or will have the mental health background they should. Therefore, I encourage you to read through this Google Slides on mental health disorders, their symptoms and treatments, and effective ways to help your students handle them. 


Conditions. (n.d.). National Alliance on Mental Health. 

Nadworny, E. & Drummond, S. (2016). A silent epidemic. National Public Radio.

Supporting students experiencing early psychosis in middle ... Supporting Students Experiencing Early Psychosis in Middle School and High School. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2021, from
